60 Bags Downtown

My good friend Colleen and her family, Neal and Griffin, were gracious enough to stop by yesterday and help fill bags. What would have taken me almost 4 hours took 50 minutes. They filled almost 100 bags. (When people are filling bags, my job is to keep the product stocked and deal with the enormous amount of detritus created by the boxes involved.)

Thanks Colleen, Griffin and Neal!

Colleen and fam.jpg

Thus, I was able to hand out 60 bags downtown this morning. I bought this nifty cart that enables me to distribute much faster. It likes to flip over when it hits a rock but after a couple of wrecks, I figured it out.


I met a lot of wonderful people this morning. It amazes me how so many people living in tents on the sidewalk can be upbeat and positive. They continue to affect my perspective on life. We can find thanks even in such difficult times.

Thanks for subscribing to the blog! Please help us get the word out. Along with various donations, we have a few people who are contributing monthly. 30 dollars a month will create one bag a month, a huge help.

Tom Provost
An honors graduate from The University of Texas at Austin...

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